Monday, October 18, 2010

Things I Never Want to Forget

I love that girl and cannot wait until she marries my brother:)

On with the important stuff-
I need to store some memories here of the silliness of the kiddos. They are at such fun ages and I can't get over some of the things they say and do. Here's a few...

The other night at dinner Jackson says to us out of the blue "I'm pretty amazing hu?"  Yes our Dear Jackson, you ARE amazing:)

Jackson and Tilly are buds but he can't stand when Tilly gets in his face and a few nights ago he says to Tilly, "That's some serious breathing in my face Tilly"  Ha! Coming out of a 3 1/2 year old was pretty funny.

Jackson's favorite things right now (and for the last I don't know how many months) are: his Madagascar shirt ( I literally have to hide it from him to not wear it days on end), his Buzz Lightyear hat (that we got two years ago at Disneyland), and his stuffed dog Boone (who goes EVERYWHERE with us).

The kids ask each other all the time if the other wants to be "BFF's" and of course the other one agrees. Lily tells Jackson that if he isn't nice then she won't be his BFF or sleep in his top bunk that night. I hope they are always BFF's!!

My sweet Lily Bean drops EVERYTHING and is always tripping or hurting herself. It is an ongoing joke in the house when she spills something because we call it before it even happens. I guess if that's one of her few flaws...

Lily is the first to volunteer to sweep, do dishes, fold laundry, water the garden, you name it. She's on it. What a helper she is!

My girl brings a bag with her on our walks to pick up trash so that "our streets look pretty". Really?? And she thinks of it all on her own, that's what's so special.

Jackson has the BEST LAUGH EVER!!!

I love my kids beyond words and am so blessed to have such a great family. As much as I don't want  them to grow up, I can't wait to see what the future holds for the four of us:)


  1. Such a sweet post Marcy! :) I Love you so much and I love reading about the kids on your blog. Thanks for featuring my doodle :) You so deserve getting in to nursing school with all of that hard work you put in. I can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks and pop open a bottle of wine with you!!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS (in case i haven't said it yet) on getting into nursing school!!! SO excited for you :)

    i love your kids, they are so awesome. you need to tell lily that she's got to go on a walk near our house because the streets here are so littered with trash that i've been tempted to bring a trash bag with me and collect it all. maybe she and i could do it together :)

  3. Congrats Marcy! That is so awesome. Good luck and enjoy it.

  4. marcy,
    dad and i are so proud of you!!!!!!! when does school start? We know you will do GREAT and be a fantastic nurse...
    love you bunches
    mom and dad #2

  5. Um, cause you're awesome! No doubts that you'll be an ace in nursing school.

    And those kids! Cute, cute, cute.
