Tuesday, March 22, 2011

St. Patty's Day

The kids had a lot of fun on St. Patty's Day. When they woke in the morning they found that a leprechaun had stopped at our house overnight to use their potty! They were determined to get to Daddy before he put his green on so they could pinch him so I let him in on their little secret so he could play along. They got such a kick out of that! We also made green eggs and green milk with breakfast, and green enchiladas for dinner and green rice krispie treats for dessert:) A leprechaun also visited Lily's classroom at school and made quite the mess but left all the kids pots of gold w/treats.


  1. Green rice krispiessss!!!! I have a serious addiction to rice krispie treats! I love how festive you guys got with St. Pattys this year!!

  2. PS: A leprechaun used the potty? Green pee pee?? Too funny!

  3. What a fun day! I can't wait to do that kind of stuff with my kids. I love the potty idea, very funny.

  4. You are so fun!!! And green enchiladas sound way tastier than the typical March 17th menu ; )
