Thursday, March 10, 2011

Snow and Such

You would think that living in Utah for 3 years would have cured us of getting excited about snow but...the kids were SO happy to wake up to a dusting of snow last weekend. They rushed to get on their snow boots and jackets, pink eye and all, and play in the "snow" for a bit.
Tilly enjoyed it too:)

I forgot to post a picture of the adorable Valentine's bookmarks Lily made for all her friends at school...better late than never I guess

We checked on our garden yesterday and to our surprise we actually had something edible!

Lily brought home a newspaper from school last week called KIND News that is all about animals and the environment. I watched as she began to read an article on how baby seals are hunted and saw her mouth open, her hand go to her heart, and tears start to well up in her eyes. We talked about it and what an awful thing it is that people do and it brought her to tears. This sweet little Angel of mine has such a kind heart and could not understand why anyone would want to do anything so awful. There were two addresses in the newspaper that you could write to and tell them how you feel and so she did:

I suppose that's all for now...


  1. aww, lily's letter made me tear up! what a sweet little soul she is. miss you guys!

  2. Snow!!! Valentine's!!! Garden veggies!!! And I'm with Heidi, that letter?! What a sweet, sweet girl.
