Friday, November 26, 2010


We had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Our health, our wonderful friends and family, a home, jobs, and so many more things that I can't name. It is easy to get caught up in the day to day grind and feel down when things aren't going our way, so I am always happy when a day like Thankgiving comes around when we can remember to be appreciative and thankful for what we DO have.
This was our year to stay home (rather than travel to Santa Barbara or Visalia) so we spent it with the Riordan side of the family.Tilly and I started the day w/a run up Iron Mountain (I don't know who's idea it was to run up it instead of hike, but I survived!) with some friends and acquaintances. It was literally freezing out but most everyone still managed to show up and have fun. It was nice to catch up w/an old high school bud (James and his beautiful wife Amy) and try to keep up w/the Lovell girls (they are quick!).
Here is a picture from the top:

Jack headed to basketball with the guys when I got home and Stacey, Dawn, Nicky, and I took the kids for a walk on the trail by our house. Then we headed home to make pretzels, pumpkin pie, and salad for dinner that night. We spent the afternoon and evening at the Riordan's and it was really nice having everyone together and having time to catch up with the family. Pat and Stacey made a delicious feast for all of us.
Some photos from the night:

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving!! Bummed that we weren't together this year, but know that Kyle and I are so thankful for you and the fam. I am glad you guys had a nice relaxing day (I think we are still full down here is SB!)Love you!
