Friday, May 20, 2011

A visit and a Race

Our East Coast Riordan's came for a visit and what a fun time we had! The kids had such a blast together and they all wished they lived closer to each other. Nicole and I were able to squeeze in a nice run together, we all took a trip to the WAP, did some swimming in Pat's pool, and Butch made us a FEAST one night. Love those peeps...too quick of a trip but hopefully we can get out there to see them before too long.

Lily had a race at Dos Picos that was technically for the 3rd thru 6th graders but since she is in the running club at school, they let her participate. She had a great time and got to run with some friends. I'm so proud of her for kicking butt and running a whole mile!!

1 comment:

  1. How you do all you do and make time for fun is amazing! What a sweet family weekend!
