Saturday, April 9, 2011

Random Bits

I play this precious lullaby to kids from time to time. I think it is a perfect expression of a mother's love for her children. One day I will make a video of my own family to go along with the song:)

Jackson calls people with dark skin "chocolate" people and I find it too innocent and cute to correct him (yet). He heard Oprah's name the other day and asked me "Is she the lady that's made out of brownies?" I think this is a sign that we need to travel and see other parts of the world:)  A little sheltered in our little town? Maybe.

This is what happens when Jackson picks out his own jammies:

Sleeping angel with her monkey:

Jackson was so proud of his "HUGE!" radishes from our garden:

Lily and Jack worked their fannies off on this Ancient Egypt project for the history fair at school. I think it turned out pretty great:

Here's our girl all dressed up for Foreign Country Day at school in her outfit from Aunt Nicky's trip to Dubai:


  1. What a sweet lullaby! And JACKSON!!! He is so funny! Lily (and Jack!) put the other history projects to shame! That was amazing!

  2. Omg, I miss you guys so much!! :)
