Saturday, August 28, 2010

I am not a blogger...

I am NOT a blogger! Ok, so it  may LOOK like I have started a blog but...
My reason for doing this is for my kids. I think it will be a perfect way for me to keep track of the special times and will keep them in some sort of order. I cannot write (Jack will back me up on that one), I don't scrapbook (hence this online blog thing), I am not at all funny (so if you read this do not expect to be ROFL), etc etc...What I'm saying is that don't expect much more than a bunch of odds and ends:)

So, Lily said we should make a list of all the fun things we did this summer so we are going to do that here and try to back it up with some pictures:)
-We spent a week in Cuyucos at the beach house
-Lily learned to ride her bike AND swim! Yay!
-Jackson learned to swim (well, kind of, he is pushing off the wall and doggy paddling to me so I think this counts as swimming for a 3 year old)
-Lots of playdates at the park with our friends
-Numerous trips to the beach
-Lots of craft projects at home, swim lessons, swimming at grandpa and grandmas, couple of trips to the theater, Lily had reading club w/Mrs Z, ballet class, walks/hikes, and whatever else we filled up our time with.

I cannot believe my little Lily Bean is going into 1st grade! Craziness! We went to the school yesterday with our dear friends, The LaTour Family, and had our fingers crossed the whole way to "The List" that Lily and Noah would be in the same class...

We could not believe our eyes when we saw that they were! Yay! What a fun year it is going to be.
Jackson will go back to CCC on Tuesday. He goes Tues/Thurs and has Miss Jen and Miss Roxanne (he adores both of them and I think they feel the same about him). He had a great summer himself and I never want to forget all his little Jacksonisms that he has at this age. Like how he LOVES spaghetti and meatbulbs (self explanatory), corn on the corn (corn on the cob) and boy-cheese sandwiches (not to be confused with girl-cheese sandwiches or you may know them as grilled cheese).
Looking forward to getting back on a schedule but I have thoroughly enjoyed having the kiddos home for the summer. They are growing up much too fast. Sigh.
That's all for now...


  1. Ok whatever. You are SO a blogger! I love it! You guys were so adventurous this summer! And all the pictures are adorable. I'm really excited for school now, too. Hooray for first grade!

  2. marcy!!! welcome to the blogosphere! loved reading about your summer and i'm so excited that noah and lily get to be in the same class! looking forward to reading many more posts :) you mind if i link your blog from the list on mine?

  3. Heidi,
    Of course you can link my blog from the list on mine...I have no idea what that means! ha!! I am learning, really I am:)
